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What is your driving anxiety costing you? more than money I suspect...

What is your driving anxiety costing you?

Driving anxiety, a form of anxiety disorder manifests as intense fear or worry about driving or being in a car. Some find it easier to take control of the road and drive without witnesses whilst others find it more manageable driving a passenger. The fear may feel irrational at times and goes beyond mere nervousness and can significantly impact various aspects of life.

When we talk about cost people often think about the financial side of things and we’ll get to that but what I mean by cost is… What is your driving anxiety costing You?


You may think that anxiety only affects you’re driving but the trouble with anxiety especially when it gets out of hand is that it branches off into all areas of your life. When combined with a lack of confidence it can be devastating, overwhelming and leave you feeling stuck! During this article we’ll discuss the impact driving anxiety has on relationships, career, personal growth, and self-identity.

The cost of driving anxiety

Impact on Relationships

Driving anxiety can create significant strains on personal relationships. For instance, partners might find it challenging to understand the depth of this anxiety, leading to feelings of being a burden, frustration, and letting others down. If one partner is always responsible for driving, it can create an imbalance, leading to resentment over time. The inability to drive oneself to social events can also lead to isolation, as one might avoid gatherings that require driving.

Family dynamics can also be affected.


Parents with driving anxiety may struggle to transport their children to school, extracurricular activities, or social events. This can lead to feelings of guilt or inadequacy, further straining family bonds. Children might feel embarrassed or frustrated if their parent’s anxiety limits their participation in activities their peers easily attend. You may even find yourself wishing you could be more spontaneous like other parents during the school holidays or even worse dreading the school holidays.


A recent client found that as she worked through her anxiety the strain on her relationship improved as he could see how much she was trying and how much progress she had made. In turn, he started to do more for her and the family.  She no longer feared him going away with work as she was her backup plan now.

Career and Job Progression

Driving is often an integral part of professional life. Commuting to work, attending meetings, and traveling for business are common requirements in many jobs. For someone with driving anxiety, these routine tasks can become insurmountable obstacles. This can limit job opportunities, as positions requiring regular driving or travel might be inaccessible. Consequently, individuals might feel forced to settle for less challenging roles that don't fully utilize their skills or offer fewer opportunities for advancement.


Even in jobs that don't require frequent driving, the inability to drive can still pose challenges. Public transportation or relying on others can be less reliable and more time-consuming, leading to tardiness or frequent absences. This can affect one's professional reputation and relationships with colleagues and superiors, hindering career progression. With additional time spent on public transport or driving the long way home, there is more time to overthink and feel overwhelmed creating an even bigger problem in your mind.

Personal growth - Me again therapy

Personal Growth and Opportunities

Driving anxiety can severely restrict personal growth and opportunities. The freedom and independence that come with driving are often taken for granted. Without the ability to drive, simple pleasures like spontaneous road trips, exploring new places, or even visiting friends and family in different areas become daunting tasks. This limitation can lead to a narrowed worldview and missed opportunities for enrichment and personal development.


Furthermore, many educational and professional development opportunities require travel. Workshops, conferences, and seminars often necessitate driving, especially in regions with limited public transportation. Individuals with driving anxiety might avoid these valuable experiences, stunting their personal and professional growth. Eroding their little confidence with every missed opportunity. Some may even find that they can become quite manipulative when it comes to getting the life of others all in the avoidance of having to do the one thing that scares them… Drive!

Sense of Self and Self-Esteem

The impact of driving anxiety on one’s sense of self and self-esteem can be profound. The modern world often equates driving with independence and adulthood. For those unable to drive, feelings of inadequacy and embarrassment can erode self-esteem. The constant need to rely on others or public transportation can reinforce a sense of dependence, diminishing one's confidence and sense of autonomy. When you keep telling yourself that you’ll do it today and when you back out at the last minute choosing another route or working from home it continues to impact your self-identify and confidence.

It is possible to make a change, back yourself, and get the confidence to drive!

Choosing the right partner to support you to overcome your fear of driving makes the difference and this is exactly why I created Me again therapy. Having a life-changing panic attack on the road back in 2015 I struggled for months it impacted my job, my income, my relationship or lack of one, and most of all my confidence. I’d tried everything trying to figure it out myself and when I finally admitted defeat and asked for help I found hypnosis. It was so fundamentally life-changing that I changed my career to help others afraid to get in the car just like me. I couldn’t believe that in a few sessions, I could be back to my old self – Hence the name Me Again therapy ;)


Overcoming Driving Anxiety

Understanding and addressing driving anxiety is crucial for mitigating its impacts. Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) is a common and effective treatment but can be time-consuming and some Me Again therapy clients felt it didn’t help long term.


Exposure therapy, involves gradual and controlled exposure to driving situations, helping individuals build confidence and reduce fear but can be ineffective in resolving the underlying reasons related to the fear.


Hypnosis is a quick, effective, and a long-term solution to driving anxiety. Helping you to find the root cause of the issue and build your confidence along the way. Most women are good drivers but somewhere along the way they have lost their belief in their ability. The Me Again method helps you to incrementally build your self-esteem behind the wheel, reducing anxiety, panic, and overwhelm with every session.

Online hypnotherapy driving anxiety

Practical Steps and Support Systems

In addition to therapy and professional support, practical steps can help manage driving anxiety. These include:

  1. Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Practices such as deep breathing, EFT tapping, and progressive muscle relaxation can help manage anxiety symptoms. This allows you to relax your parasympathetic nervous system so that you can respond without fear.

  2. Thoughts and Language Recognition: Applying practical techniques to recognise and redirect thoughts, beliefs, and language which have held you back. Feeling more in control of your mind as you think more positively.

  3. Feeling and Emotions: Releasing trapped emotions so that, you can feel more relaxed and enjoy driving again.

  4. Physical effects of anxiety: Utilizing techniques which, can calm symptoms of anxiety and build your confidence each time you get into the car.

In summary

Driving anxiety, though often overlooked, has a profound impact on multiple facets of life. From straining personal relationships and limiting career opportunities to stunting personal growth and eroding self-esteem, the true cost of driving anxiety is significant.

However, with understanding, support, and appropriate treatment, individuals can overcome this challenge and regain their independence and confidence. By addressing the root causes and implementing practical strategies, those affected can pave the way toward a more fulfilling and autonomous life.

For Me again therapies services and pricing plans you can click the link here

Me again therapy Services, pricing and plans

To find out more about the Me Again method which puts you in the driving seat to overcome your fear of driving and gives you all of the skills to finally leave it in the past setting off on a road to driving confidence

Me again method - Overcome driving anxiety with confidence


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